PopUpMenuÑPopUpMenu #h #v/button #index "Item name"/item #index [screen/window] [partial] [quiet] [continue] [cmd] [shift] [caps] [opt] [ctrl]Executes a pop up menu item#h #vTHorizontal and vertical window location of the pop up menu to click onto (in pixels)
button #indexoIndex of the pop up menu button (this only works if you can see the popup with the "ButtonList visual" command)"Item name"Name of the item to executeitem #indexIndex of the item to executescreen5Pop up menu location (#h,#v) is in screen coordinateswindowIPop up menu location (#h,#v) is in frontmost window coordinates (default)partial5Accepts a partial match for the pop up menu item namequiet:Doesn’t show an error message when the item can’t be foundcontinue3Doesn’t stop the macro when the item can’t be foundcmd;Holds down the Command key when clicking on the pop up menushift9Holds down the Shift key when clicking on the pop up menucaps=Holds down the Caps Lock key when clicking on the pop up menuopt:Holds down the Option key when clicking on the pop up menuctrl;Holds down the Control key when clicking on the pop up menu